DIY 50-50 Raffle Fundraiser: Half for Me, Half for Charity (or Maybe the Other Way Around)

DIY 50-50 Raffle Fundraiser: Half for Me, Half for Charity (or Maybe the Other Way Around) The Origin 50-50:Much like the origin of the universe or the first chicken salad sandwich, the exact inception of the 50-50 raffle remains a mystery. Did it evolve from ancient civilizations betting on gladiator outcomes, with the victor winning […]
The Top 5 Elementary School Fundraising Ideas in Dallas, TX: Because Piggy Banks are So Last Century!

Ah, Dallas, where the skies are bigger, the stars are brighter, and elementary schools are finding ever more innovative ways to raise that much-needed moolah. And, let’s be real, kids in the Lone Star State are just a tad savvier than your average pint-sized entrepreneur. So, what are the top fundraising ideas keeping Dallas’s tycoons-in-training […]